
Last weekend, I went up to my cottage in Algonquin Park to film a horror shot with my two actors - Perry and Comrie, and my film buddy Curtis.

We knew it was going to be cold, around 0 degrees or so, and we didn't have any running water, and little wood for fire, but we figured we'd dress warm, and bring lots of alcohol to compensate. It turns out, when we woke up on Saturday morning at 5:45am, (we went to bed around 3am) we woke up to a winter wonderland. There was about 2 inches of snow all over the ground. It was brutal. We were supposed to be filming a fisherman scene in a peaceful morning, but the snow took us in a different direction. Not much we could do but roll with it, right? 

In retrospect, it's actually incredibly beautiful to see, and probably made the movie better! But it wasn't fun to work in, considering we weren't prepared for it at all. 


We proceeded shooting the film called "Cartografear"  (Written by my buddy Guybrush Taylor) throughout the day, we didn't wrap til around 8 or 9 at night.

Comrie had to do a bunch of scenes in tattered clothing and nothing underneath. We needed him to be convulsing and shaking for the scene, and he didn't have much trouble pulling that one off - ha! 

There were a couple dangerous moments, but we laugh in the face of fear. I think our worst injury was to Comrie (of course) and him canoeing with only one pair of gloves on. It was too cold for him. Sigh.... 

We got the thing done! It was a wicked adventure with some awesome guys and now I gotta get all this footage on my Avid, and get to work. Erik is gonna do the music for it, and hopefully this sucker turns out to be just as fun as the process as making it was. 

I don't even really care if the film sucks complete ass, to be honest. It's truly all about the process. Being up there with my buddies, having a camera in my hand, and just making something has already been worth it. The final product is just giant growthing an eldrazi when my opponent is at 2. It's just a little extra for fun.